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M3 Tema 5 - Promovare

Updated: Jun 21, 2022


Ana - Liceul Tehnologic - Constantin Brancusi da un plus liceului prin evidenta activitatilor extra scolare. Georgiana - Pentru mine profesorii sunt ,,cel mai bun lucru, sunt de treaba. Mario - La liceul nostru imi place ca suntem singurul liceu cu productie media din judet.


- Open Photoshop and set:

  • Width: 1000 px

  • Height: 1000 px

  • Resolution: 150 dpi

- Make 5 photos from your high school, crop them and make their size 400 px

  • Use Crop Tool

  • After you selected the place you want to crop, go to image --->crop

- After put them in the 1000 px project in an artistic way and write the name of the high school, the location and the contact method of the high school in the 1000 px project

  • Save it in JPG

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